How Can I Save on Energy Costs This Summer?

Q: Summer’s here, and my energy bill is burning right through my budget! How can I save on energy costs?

A: It’s hot out, but you can keep your cool with our energy-saving tips! Follow these hacks to save on energy costs this summer.

Have your HVAC system professionally inspected

First, you’ll want to make sure your home is being cooled efficiently. You can do this yourself, but it may be worth hiring a professional to check your HVAC system for leaks and other problems. 

Use your AC efficiently

Don’t waste any of that cold air! In addition to regular maintenance, ensure you’re using your AC system as efficiently as possible. Avoid placing lamps or large TV screens near your thermostat, clean your air intake vents regularly and keep doors and windows closed when running the AC. 

Get smart

If you haven’t already done so, consider using smart technology to keep your home cool and your costs down. Connecting your thermostat to a mobile device will enable you to control it from a distance and avoid cooling an empty home. You can also use smart technology to set your thermostat on a schedule that suits your family’s needs. 

Get grilling

Your oven and stovetop can heat up much more than your food this summer. Make it a habit to take your cooking outside and keep your home cooler.

Time your chores

Using large appliances, like a washing machine and dishwasher, can add extra heat to your home, especially if you live in a small space. Use these machines after dark, when it’s generally cooler. 

Use appliances efficiently

  • Only wash full loads of laundry. If possible, use cold water. 
  • Use glass pans in the oven when possible since they retain heat better and can shorten cooking time. 
  • Use appropriately sized pots and pans on your burners. 
  • Only run your dishwasher when it’s full. 
  • Unplug small and medium-sized appliances when not in use.

Use these tips to learn how to save on energy costs this season so you can keep your cool, and your budget, too. 

Building Financial Resilience: Strategies for Overcoming Financial Stress

In today’s fast-paced world, we face many financial challenges as we juggle a lot of responsibilities. The constant pressure to earn enough for covering day-to-day expenses while remembering to put away money for your financial goals never lets up. To make it even more difficult, life only gets more expensive as time goes on. However, despite the inherent hurdles, overcoming financial stress and living a financially fit life is very doable. Let’s take a look at key strategies for building financial resilience. 

Manage debt

Debt can be a big source of financial stress. To effectively manage debt and gain control of your finances, take a proactive approach:

  • Assess your debts and choose which to prioritize.
  • Create a repayment plan, like the snowball or avalanche method. 
  • Maximize debt payment until you’ve paid them all off.

Build an emergency fund

Building an emergency fund is important for creating financial resilience. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start small. Gradually increase the amount you regularly save over time. 
  • Automate your savings. Make saving automatic by setting up regular transfers from your checking account to a separate savings account. 
  • Aim for three to six months’ worth of expenses.  While this can take time, make this amount your ultimate goal so you can weather any surprise and keep your finances intact.

Set financial goals

Setting clear financial goals will empower you to take control of your financial well-being and build your financial resilience. Follow these steps to successfully set financial goals: 

  • Identify your short-term and long-term goals. 
  • Make your goals specific and measurable. 
  • Break goals into actionable steps.

Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself is a vital part of reducing financial stress. Find time to pursue your interests and to take frequent breaks from the daily grind. And it doesn’t have to put you into debt, either. You can go for a walk alongside a beautiful lakefront, learn a new language, visit free galleries showcasing your favorite art or develop a hobby by watching free DIY videos.

Managing money responsibly in current times is super-challenging, but financial resilience is within reach. Use the tips outlined here to achieve and maintain financial resilience. 

Practical Budgeting Made Easy

With the right tools and information, building a budget can be quick and easy. Here’s how to create a simple and practical budget for the time-strapped consumer. 

Review your income and expenses

Most budgeting plans recommend tracking income and expenses for three months. If you’re pressed for time, though, you can choose to look at one month and review your spending and income throughout this time. Review your checking account details and credit card statements to see where your money went and what funds came in. 

Compare income and expenses

Hold up your two numbers from the previous step and see how they compare. If your income outweighs your expenses, you’re doing great! If it falls short, you’ll need to trim your expenses in the next step or look for ways to boost your income. If the numbers balance each other out, it’s still a good idea to trim expenses to leave some budget wiggle room.

Assign a dollar amount to every expense category

Next, review the ways you spend your money and assign a dollar amount to each category. Include fixed and changing expenses as well as savings contributions.

If you’re pressed for time, you can make your categories more broad. For example, instead of setting a separate number for groceries, work lunches and dining out, you can set a larger number for all monthly food expenses.

If your income does not cover your expenses or just barely covers them, look for ways to trim the fat however possible. 

Jot down your dollar allocation on paper, or create a digital version of your budget and upload it to your personal devices for easy access.

Use technology

Harness the power of technology to help you track and manage your expenses well. A budgeting app can make tracking your monthly spending super-easy. You can upload your budget to the app and track expenses throughout the month. The app will let you know how much you’ve spent in each category and warn you when you’re approaching the limit. 

Live with your budget

You’re ready to live with a budget! Remember to keep your monthly expense categories in mind as you spend throughout the month. 

If you find it too hard to keep track of your spending throughout the month, the money envelope system can make it easier. Simply withdraw cash amounts for each non-discretionary expense category in your budget at the start of the month and only use the money in these envelopes to pay for these costs throughout the month.

Review and adjust

Your budget is up and running! Review your spending plan regularly to see if it’s still working for you and adjust as needed.

Budgeting doesn’t have to take a lot of your time or be overly complicated. Use this guide to learn how to create a practical, easy budget that works. 

Which Purchases Should I Charge to My Credit Card?

Q: I’m reevaluating my credit card use and wondering if I’m doing it right. Which purchases should I charge to my credit card?

A: Your credit score, which is the key to long-term loans at favorable rates, employment opportunities and more, depends on your credit card usage. To build credit, you need to use credit. You want to make sure you use your cards, but you don’t want to spend more than you can pay. In addition, there are some purchases that are best off being made with a credit card. 

Here are six purchases you may want to charge to your credit card:

1. Electronics and appliances

It’s a good idea to pay for big-ticket items, like electronics and appliances, with your credit card. This will provide you with an insurance of sorts on these purchases, such as doubling up on the offered warranty. Some cards also offer price protection, which covers the difference if the price of an item drops after you’ve bought it. 

2. Car rentals

Here, too, paying with a credit card can provide you with a level of insurance on the car. The insurance likely won’t be as robust as temporary insurance you might buy through the rental service, but it will probably offer some collision coverage at no extra charge.

3. Purchases made abroad

When traveling and making purchases abroad, a credit card is usually your best way to pay. Cash has the risk of loss or theft and debit cards may have fees for transactions that are made outside the country. They may not even be accepted at some vendors. Credit cards from well-known issuers, on the other hand, are accepted almost everywhere and are a lot safer to carry than large sums of cash. In addition, many credit card companies offer a favorable exchange rate.

4. Fixed monthly bills

If you’re looking for an easy way to build credit, pay a fixed monthly bill, such as a subscription or payment for phone or internet service, on your credit card each month. This will ensure regular transactions are made on your card. As long as you’re paying your credit card bill on time or early each month, you will show a pattern of responsible credit usage!

5. Online purchases

When shopping online, you’re usually best off paying with a credit card. Unlike other forms of payment, credit card transactions are always traceable and provide some coverage for fraud. 

6. Mobile phone bills

Another good candidate for credit card payments is your monthly mobile phone bill. Many credit card companies offer some coverage for phones that are lost, damaged or stolen if the card was used to pay a specific number of bills and the cardholder is up to date on their bills.

6 Financial Resolutions for the New Year

It’s a brand-new year, so now is a great time to set budget-friendly resolutions to pave the way toward a more financially fit future. Here are six financial resolutions to get you started.

1 – Create (and stick to!) a budget

If you don’t have a monthly budget, let’s get one started! Track your spending and income over several months, and then make a list of all expenses and all monthly income streams. Assign a dollar amount to each expense category. If your columns are equal, or your income is more than your expenses, you’re doing great. But, if your expenses are more than your income, you’ll need to trim your spending or find ways to increase your income.

After you’ve created your budget, or if you already have one, resolve to actually stick to it each month. You can use one of the many budgeting apps, like YNAB, to help. 

2 – Build an emergency fund

An emergency fund is your financial safety net. Experts recommend having three to six months’ worth of living expenses in your emergency fund. Resolve to build an emergency fund this year by setting aside a small sum of money each month until you have a nest egg that can get you through virtually any emergency. 

3 – Trim your expenses

Have your expenses started trickling upward in any area(s)? Identify your weak points and brainstorm for ways to start spending less. Small change today adds up to big bucks tomorrow.  

4 – Pay down debt

Make this the year you pay down debt, or at least make real headway toward getting rid of it for good. You can choose to prioritize high-interest debts, or work on paying off your smallest debt first to keep your motivation going. Maximize payments on your chosen debt until it’s paid off. Then, keep on rolling to the next debt on your list until you’re completely debt-free. 

5 – Automate your savings

It’s all wonderful to resolve to put more money into savings each month, but how do you turn those good intentions into reality? Set up automatic monthly transfers from your checking account to your savings so you never forget to feed your savings. 

6 – Expand your financial education

Invest in your financial education this year by reading books, taking online courses, listening to podcasts or attending seminars on personal finance. 

Financial Preparation for The New Year

The new year is almost here. Are you ready?

Usher in the new year with plans for financial improvement and resolutions to do more.

Here are some tips to get you started:

Tune your budget

It’s great to start off the new year with a plan. A budget is just that — a plan — that starts with the income you expect and your fixed expenses such as your mortgage, insurance, and utilities. The plan incorporates your savings goals, and the remaining money is designated for your other expenses. A realistic budget will help you set your financial goals and will remind you to stick to them. Now is the perfect time to assess last year’s budget or create a new one if you don’t yet have one in place.

Reviewing how you spent last year’s money will help you make better financial decisions for the year ahead. While thinking about it, include a method for tracking your spending. You can do this on a spreadsheet or tag items in your checking account.

Even with a solid plan, there can be surprises along the way, so be sure to build an emergency fund into your budget.

Plan ahead to meet your goals

Consider how you will accomplish your goals. You might have shorter-term goals, such as purchasing a new home, as well as longer-term goals, like retirement. Each set of goals requires different kinds of planning and saving.

Financial planners recommend setting up a separate savings account for each goal. This way, your progress toward that goal is clear.

It’s best to work backward for determining how much you need to save for each goal. Determine the cost of your goal and then establish a reasonable timeframe as well as how much you’ll need to save each month to reach it.

Spend mindfully

Make your financial future more secure this year by identifying your wants and needs. Your needs are necessary for survival and include food and shelter. Your wants are simply things you desire-like a luxury car. Tend to your needs first. Then, if there is money remaining, consider your wants.

This might sound obvious, but for many of us, the lines between wants and needs are blurred.

Maximize tax contributions

Tax deductions can be a valuable source of savings. If you have employer-matching funds available, take advantage of them. Also, verify with your HR contact and your accountant that you are contributing the optimal amount to your 401(k) and IRA.

Check your flexible savings account (FSA)

If you have unspent money in your FSA, now is the time to use it. Your pre-tax dollars in such accounts typically need to be spent before the end of the year or they are lost.

Put the brakes on holiday spending

Avoid going overboard on holiday spending or you might spend the beginning of the year trying to pay it all back.

These are just a few of the many ways you can prepare financially for the coming year. With a little attention to some often-overlooked details, a little perseverance, and a little mindfulness throughout, you’ll be moving forward with a strong foundation and positive outlook.

10 Hacks for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving That Doesn’t Break the Bank

Hosting a Thanksgiving dinner is an enjoyable, rewarding experience, but it can also be a bit much for many of us. The expenses can be sky-high, the to-do list seems endless and the dinner itself can be a harried and breathless affair that puts a damper on any holiday cheer. 

Here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be this way. Consider these 10 hosting hacks to help you enjoy a calm and stress-free Thanksgiving that doesn’t break the budget. 

  1. Start planning early

Instead of waiting for the overwhelm to hit a week before Thanksgiving, start planning now. Look through your favorite recipe blogs, food magazines and cookbooks to compile a list of dishes you want to serve. Reach out to friends and family who are joining you for Thanksgiving dinner and inquire about what, if any, dishes they plan to bring. At this time, you can also ask about any dietary restrictions any of your guests may have. 

Next, make a detailed menu and start listing the ingredients you’ll need to purchase. You can also jot down any other purchases you’ll need to make, such as decor items and serving dishes. Aside from making your prep easier, planning your menu and purchases early will help you make more responsible money choices as you shop. 

  1. Create a detailed schedule

Next, start scheduling the tasks you’ve just listed into your weekly and daily schedules. For example, a few weeks before Turkey Day, you can shop for drinks and any dry and frozen ingredients. You can do all the baking two weeks before the big day, prep your marinades, sauces and salad dressings a week before, the appetizer and sides a few days prior to Thanksgiving, and finally, the entrees on Thanksgiving Day. You may want to write everything down on a calendar so you can get a clear snapshot of what you need to do each day with just one glance. 

Of course, if you prefer to marathon-cook for seven hours straight on the day before Thanksgiving, that can work, too. Just make sure you’ve taken care of all the other to-dos, such as shopping and planning the decor, well in advance. 

  1. Consider a buffet

If you hate missing all the best parts of the conversation at the Thanksgiving table because you’re busy in the kitchen, you may want to consider a buffet-style meal. While it’s definitely a departure from the traditional sit-down dinner, a serve-yourself meal can be a great way to make things easier for you. You can also get away with offering fewer dishes when it’s all served at one time instead of a formal meal with staggered  courses. 

  1. Delegate

If no one’s offered to help you cook, don’t be afraid to assign small jobs to your guests so they can be part of the prep. It doesn’t have to be anything too time-consuming on their part, but for you, just knowing that Cousin Jen is bringing the mashed potatoes and your mom will bring her famous pecan pie for dessert means two menu items off your head. 

  1. Set up a kids’ corner

If you’re hosting families with children, create a kid-friendly area with games, coloring books and activities to keep the little ones engaged. This way, parents can enjoy the meal without worrying about bored and restless kids. You can also offer kid-friendly menu options like fries and chicken nuggets to keep guests of all ages happy and well-fed. 

  1. Use disposable dishes

Are you ready for a super-quick clean up when the party’s over? With today’s robust dinnerware options, you can have your convenience without compromising on your conscience. There are so many eco-friendly disposable options, from compostable cutlery to bamboo plates and so much more.

  1. Set up a self-serve drink station

Create a self-serve drink station with a variety of beverages to cater to different preferences. Include water, non-alcoholic options and a signature Thanksgiving cocktail to keep things festive. This encourages guests to help themselves, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of hosting.

  1. Keep the centerpiece simple

With so much going on at the table, there’s no need to overthink the centerpiece. A simple wooden board filled with seasonal gourds will add that festive touch to the table without breaking the budget. Add some pillar candles from a dollar store to complete the look.

  1. Cook two small turkeys

If you’re hosting a crowd, consider cooking two small birds instead of one large one. You’ll save on defrosting time, freezer space and the stress of choosing the perfect recipe. You may even save money on your entree by splitting it into two with this hack.

  1. If it’s stressing you out, let it go

The best part about being the host is that no one has to know what you’d planned to serve. So if you’re finding that one dish is stressing you out and will cost more than it’s worth at your table, just let it go. Leave it out, and no one will know the difference. 

Despite what personal experience may tell you, Thanksgiving does not have to be stressful or expensive. Use these hacks for a stress-free Thanksgiving holiday.

Should I Adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle?

Q: Minimalism is all the rage, and with everyday expenses at an all-time high, I’m wondering: Should I adopt a minimalist lifestyle?

A: The minimalist movement, or the idea of living with just the barest of necessities, has exploded in popularity in recent years. Let’s take a closer look at this trending lifestyle choice so you can make an informed decision about embracing its philosophies.  

What is minimalism?

The generally accepted definition of minimalism is: Less is more. But adopting a minimalist lifestyle is more than just decluttering. It also means getting rid of, or whittling down, any expense category in your budget along with any activity you engage in that is not necessary for your life or peace of mind. 

Getting started on minimalism.

There are lots of ways to live a minimalist life. Here are some popular ways to get started:

  • The 90/90 rule. Choose an item in your home and ask yourself if you’ve used it in the last 90 days and if you will use it within the next 90. If the answer to both questions is no, toss it. 
  • The 30-day declutter. In this challenge, throw out one item from your home on Day 1, two items on Day 2 and continue this progression until Day 30, when you throw out 30 items. 
  • The 100-item life. Here, you choose 100 essential items you need to live with and toss out everything else you own.  

It’s important to know there is no “right way” to embrace this lifestyle. Since minimalism means living with what you need and what brings you joyit will look different to everyone. As long as you are left with a home and a lifestyle that fills you with peace and serenity, you have adopted the minimalist lifestyle.

Pros of living a minimalist life

  • Improved mental health. Evidence shows that a cluttered life is a stressful life.
  • Increased opportunities to experience life at its purest level. Walking away from extraneous commitments can free you up to experience the true pleasures in life. 
  • More room in your budget. When you throw out all unneeded expenses from your budget, it’s easier to save and avoid falling into debt. 

Cons of living a minimalist life

  • Feelings of deprivation. If taken to an extreme, a minimalist life can be depriving and ultimately backfire.
  • Unhealthy obsession. Minimalism can require a lot of brain power. If you spend all day thinking about your stuff, it still owns you.
  • Owning just a few items means a large initial outlay. You’ll need to invest in a few items that really last, and these don’t come cheap.
  • It can be isolating. Unless you jump into this lifestyle with a partner or friend, it can be a very lonely life. 

Use this guide to make an informed decision about embracing a minimalist life. 

How Can I Beat Inflation and Save on Back-to-School Shopping?

Q: How can I beat inflation and save on back-to-school shopping?

A: Lucky for you, there are ways to save on back-to-school shopping. Follow these tips.

Shop with a budget

Determine how much you can afford to spend and set specific amounts for different categories such as clothing and supplies. Having a budget will help you stay focused and avoid impulse purchases.

Take inventory 

Before hitting the stores, inventory what you already have at home. Check your kids’ closets, drawers and study areas for supplies and clothing that can be reused or repurposed for the coming school year. This will give you a clear idea of what you really need to buy.

Plan ahead

Start shopping early and take advantage of sales throughout the summer. Watch for clearance sales, promotions and discounts. By planning ahead, you can secure better deals and avoid the rush and price hikes closer to the start of the school year. 

Buy generic

Don’t hesitate to reach for generic brands when purchasing school supplies for your kids. Store brands, like Walmart, or Target’s Up & Up, are usually cheaper than name brands without compromising on quality. 

Shop without your kids

Shopping with kids is an easy budget-killer. Kids have their own ideas of what’s best to spend money on, and their opinions may not align with your budget. Leave your kids home for at least some of your shopping trips this season.

Think secondhand

Consider purchasing used textbooks, clothing and electronics. You can find gently used items at much lower prices on secondhand websites like ThredUp, and at thrift stores like Goodwill. 

Use discounts and coupons

Before you shop, look for coupons, promotional codes and student discounts to bring down the prices of the items you need to buy. You can sign up for loyalty programs and use a discount-finder app or extension to pull up any coupons for the items you need. 

Buy in bulk

Whenever appropriate, buy supplies in bulk. This is useful for items that are commonly used throughout the school year. Buying in bulk often comes with a lower per-unit cost, providing long-term savings.

Follow the tips outlined here to beat inflation and save on back-to-school shopping.

Money Tips for College Students

Hello, college, hello, money worries! 

College life brings a sense of independence that extends to personal finances. Being in charge of your own money can seem like an impossible challenge, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If the thought of managing your money in college is stressing you out, dig into these tips for some help!

Create a budget

Living with a budget is a must for good financial wellness. First, track your income, including all earnings from part-time jobs, scholarships and student loans. Next, list your expenses, including tuition fees, textbooks, rent, groceries, transportation and entertainment. Set a realistic spending amount for each category, and your budget is good to go! Review and adjust as necessary. 

Minimize student loan debt

Student loans can be a big financial burden after graduation. To minimize your debt, explore options such as scholarships, grants and part-time jobs to cover educational expenses. You can also get ahead on your debt by saving for your student loan payments before you graduate.  

Live frugally 

You can have your fun while in college, and your budget, too! First, buy used when possible. This goes for textbooks, sports equipment and your college car. Next, consider pooling some of your expenses with roommates. For example, you can split the costs of food items, cleaning supplies and more. Finally, get used to eating in and save big. Remember, every dollar saved can go toward your future. 

Prioritize essential expenses

Life while in college is filled with temptations and social activities, so it’s crucial to prioritize your expenses. First, make sure your tuition, rent, utilities and groceries are covered and then you can spend money on fun! Having a good budget developed, and a regular review of it, will help you plan in some of that fun.

Build your credit

College is a great time to get your credit score ready for adult life. A strong credit score is essential for qualifying for large loans, getting favorable interest rates, securing a job and more. To build credit responsibly, consider getting a secured credit card or becoming an authorized user on a family member’s credit card. Use the card sparingly and make full payments on time each month. 

Take advantage of campus resources

College campuses often provide many resources to help students manage finances. Take advantage of financial literacy workshops, counseling services and career centers at your college. 

Use these tips to manage your money smartly in college. 

Going Organic on a Budget

Going organic is a great way to improve your personal health and the health of the environment. Fortunately, it does not have to mean spending big. Here’s how to go organic on a budget.

Prioritize your purchases 

If you’re on a strict budget, you likely won’t be able to go completely organic all at once. Start with what’s most important to you. You can move on to another area as the budget allows until you’ve completely embraced the lifestyle.

Buy in bulk

Look for bulk bins at your local natural grocery store for steep savings. If you can’t finish all your bulk organic purchases before they’ll go bad, partner with a friend and split the costs.    

Shop the seasons

In-season produce generally tastes better than off-season fruits and vegetables, and it’s cheaper. Choosing organic produce grown locally while it’s in-season can really bring down your grocery bill. A quick Google search can tell you what’s in season now in your area of the country.

Grow your own

If you have the time and space, consider growing your own organic greens and herbs. This way, you’ll have access to inexpensive produce that’s fresh and ready to eat. 

Shop the farmers market

Your local farmers market is a great place to find fresh, locally grown produce at affordable prices. Plus, it supports local business. 

Stalk your favorite organic brands on social media

Brands will alert followers to fantastic deals and discounts that may otherwise be missed. As soon as you find an organic food brand you love, follow it on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This way, you’ll never miss a sale.

Look for store brands

Lots of grocery stores now offer their own line of organic products. These tend to be cheaper than companies that are not affiliated with a specific store. 

Shop smart

Finally, follow the basic rules for smart shopping to save on your purchases. Plan your menu around the sales, shop with a list and take a smaller cart, or even a basket. If all else fails, shop with cash. 

Follow these tips to make the switch to an organic lifestyle without breaking the bank. 

Travel Hacks 1 of 12: 5 Ways to Save on Airfare

Planning a trip overseas? Airfare will probably be your largest vacation expense. Fortunately, there are many ways to save on airfare to leave you with more to spend while at your destination. Here’s a list of five ways to save on airfare.

1.      Be flexible with dates and destinations

If you’re willing to be flexible about the dates and destination, you can potentially save hundreds on your airline ticket. Instead of choosing a date and destination for your vacation and then searching for the best prices, select a date and destination based on the best available deals. 

2.      Shop smart online

Harness the power of technology to score the best airfare price. Searching sites and apps, like ExpediaOrbitz and Priceline, is like using multiple travel agencies to find the best flights for your vacation. Kayak, another popular travel app, plugs your preferred dates into its search engine and searches airline sites and agency sites to provide you with all the prices and options available. 

3.      Act quickly to snag mistake fares

When an airline accidentally discounts a ticket, you can snag a flight for as much as 90% off its conventional price. Mistake fares get snatched up fast, so check your favorite airlines and flight apps often so you don’t miss a deal. 

4.      Consider booking with a foreign currency

If you’ll be flying a foreign carrier, it may be cheaper to pay for your ticket with the local currency of your destination. Before paying for your flight, check to see if it’ll cost less if you don’t pay in dollars. It can sometimes actually cost more this way, but you can often save a lot by simply changing your location from the U.S. to your destination.

5.      Book early

You’ll typically find the best deals on international flights 3-6 months before the departure date. If you’ll be traveling during peak times, like summer or during holiday seasons, start your ticket search even earlier. Flights are updated constantly, so check often to get the best deal.

Use the tips outlined here to get the best deal on your tickets and keep your vacation budget intact. Happy travels!

The Post-Holiday Budget Recovery Guide

The holidays are in the rearview, but if you’ve gone over budget with your spending, it’s time to deal with the aftermath, which is coming head-on. Here’s how you can get your budget back on track for the new year.

Review your holiday spending

How much debt did this season’s spending set you back? Spend some time crunching the numbers so you have a better idea of what kind of recovery steps you need to take.

Choose your recovery process

If you’ve got multiple credit card balances to pay off, you may want to consolidate your debt by taking out a personal/unsecured loan and then using the funds to pay off your credit card debt. You’ll have just a single, low interest payment to make each month.

Another option is to pay off one credit card bill at a time, maximizing payments on the bill that has the highest balance, or the one with the highest interest rate, until it’s completely paid off. Once you’ve crossed one debt off your list, move on to the next until you’re debt-free. 

Trim your budget

It’s time to cut that budget down to size! Consider underused subscriptions you can drop, inflated grocery bills you can trim and auto insurance policies that can be swapped for a cheaper plan. The more you trim, the more money you’ll free up for paying down debt.

Put your holiday resources to work

Along with a pile of debt, the holiday season may have left you with some extra cash through work bonuses, tax returns and gift money. Put these resources to work by using a portion of this money, or even all of it, toward paying down your holiday debt. 

Go on a shopping detox

Take a break from the mall this month and resolve to swipe the plastic only for essentials. At the very least, keep impulse purchases to a minimum until your budget recovers. 

Make a plan for next year’s holiday season

When you open a holiday club account at High Point Federal Credit Union, you can set up an automatic monthly transfer from your payroll or checking account to feed your holiday savings all year long.

If you blew your budget this holiday season, take steps to help your finances recover. Use the tips outlined here to get started.

Step 12 of 12 Steps to Financial Wellness – Review and Tweak

Congratulations! You’ve reached the 12th and final step of the 12 steps to financial wellness. Here, we’ll review the previous steps and adjust this part of your financial health plan as necessary. 

Step 1: Track your spending

Are you regularly tracking your spending? Knowing where your money is going will help you make more responsible spending decisions in the future. 

Step 2: Create and stick to a budget

Budgets need to be reviewed and tweaked every few months or so to ensure they still work for present life circumstances. If your budget no longer works for you, tweak until it does.

Step 3: Pay down debt

Have you made as much progress in your debt-paying journey as you’d hoped to by this point? Can you beef up any payments to make debt disappear sooner?

Step 4: Talk money with your partner

Have you had the big money talk with your partner? Need to revisit any of the topics you’ve discussed, such as sharing accounts, dividing expenses and saving up for a shared dream?

Step 5: Spend mindfully

Review some of your recent purchases. Are you blowing money on stuff you don’t need instead of relieving stress in a healthier manner? If so, look for better ways to de-stress. Spending mindfully is one of the most important steps to financial wellness.

Step 6: Pay it forward

Are you remembering to pay it forward? The money, time and smiles we share are the only moments that are truly ours.

Step 7: Pay yourself first

Are you remembering to feed your savings? At this time, you may want to consider increasing the amount you’re regularly putting into savings by trimming some discretionary expenses.

Step 8: Know when and how to indulge

Are you remembering to work your just-for-fun expenses into your budget so you can indulge without guilt? Now is a good time to look back at your indulgences to figure out if they were really good uses for your money.

Step 9: Check your credit score

If you’ve been following the rules for boosting and maintaining a high credit score, like paying your bills on time, having several active cards, and keeping your credit utilization low, your score should have improved during these last few months.

Step 10: Think about retirement

Review your retirement accounts and assess whether your funds have reached the place you’d hoped they would by now. 

Step 11: Start investing

Make sure your investments are performing well and that your assets are optimally diversified.

Step 12: Review your overall financial health

In this final step, you’ll review your steps to financial wellness on a regular basis, just as you’ve done here. 

Reviewing your financial health on a regular basis is an important part of staying financially fit

Last Minute Holiday Hacks

The holidays are nipping at your heels and there’s still a lot to do! It probably seems like your stress levels keep rising while the money in your wallet keeps dwindling. It doesn’t have to be this way. With a bit of planning and by following these holiday hacks, you can enjoy a stress-free and affordable holiday season. Not buying what we’re selling? Well, continue reading to find out how:

Clear the clutter for cash

Before the holidays, browse your closets for clothing in good condition you no longer wear. Sell these on resale sites like eBay and Craigslist. You’ll make room for any incoming gifts and give your holiday budget a little wiggle room at the same time.

Shop small businesses

Avoid crowds and enjoy a wider selection of gift items by shopping small businesses this holiday season. Independently owned stores are more likely to be fully stocked, even late in the season. As a bonus, you’re more likely to land unique gifts, and you’ll be helping local businesses stay afloat during these trying economic times.

Suggest a Secret Santa exchange

If the gift-shopping is getting to be a bit much, consider cutting back by suggesting a Secret Santa gift exchange. You’ll only need to buy one gift instead of one for everyone in an entire group, and the surprise factor makes it super-fun. 

Round up your change

It’s never too late to start saving for the holidays! As you shop, use a money app like Acorn to round up your charge to the nearest dollar, and save the change in a specific account. Small change can add up quickly and help offset the amount you’ll need to come up with in your overall budget.


If you’ll be hosting events this holiday season, delegate jobs to your guests. Everyone will appreciate the opportunity to pitch in, and it’ll be more helpful for you if you can assign specific jobs to each guest, instead of having three different people show up with apple pies. 

Shop during non-peak hours

Peak business hours, which start in the early afternoon and run until evening, will have the biggest crowds and emptiest shelves. If you can get to the store early in the day, you’ll enjoy a full selection that you can peacefully browse before crowds show up. Stress-free shopping also means you’re more likely to make responsible spending decisions. Win-win!

Use the tips outlined here for a stress-free and budget-friendly pre-holiday season.

How Can I Save on Holiday Shopping?

Q: The holidays always have me worried about money. With inflation soaring, I’m more stressed than ever. How can I save on my holiday shopping this year?

A: If you’re worried about making it through the holiday shopping season in the midst of record inflation, you’re not alone. A recent survey shows that 59% of American shoppers are stressed about buying holiday gifts due to higher prices this year. With some careful planning, though, you can enjoy stress-free holiday shopping. Here are seven easy ways you can save.

1.      Shop early

Experts are urging shoppers to hit the stores earlier than normal this year to take advantage of early-season sales. Lots of big-box stores are struggling with a supply surplus thanks to an inflation-triggered decline in demand. This will likely lead to sales events to make room for more current inventory. Shop these sales for big savings.

2.      Set a budget

Before you start shopping, build a reasonable budget for your holiday shopping. Make your budget easier to keep by allocating a specific amount for every gift, shopping with cash and/or reviewing your budget often. 

3.      Shop with a list

Instead of blindly hitting the stores, make a list of every gift to buy for friends and family. You’ll be far more likely to stay within budget when your purchases are pre-planned. 

4.      Leave some last-minute shopping for Green Monday

While it’s best to do the bulk of your shopping early in the season, you can leave some last-minute gift-shopping for Green Monday on Dec. 14. This is when retailers make their final pre-holiday markdowns. 

5.      Think outside the box 

If ever there was a holiday season to get creative with gifting, this is it. Retail inventories are full of products that were backed up during the post-pandemic supply-chain disaster. Think furniture, home decor and more. While these items may not be typical holiday gifts, there’s no real reason you can’t delight a loved one with a new office chair, exercise bike or coffee organizing station.

6.      Give gift cards

Protect your gift list against inflation by giving some gift cards. You can find discounted cards on sites like GiftCardGranny and CardCash, or use cash-back apps to earn them at no cost. Gift cards are easy to shop for, easy to budget for and appreciated by the receiver.

7.      Use apps to save

In 2022, there are so many apps that can help you spend less on your shopping, and even put money back into your pocket. Try coupon-scanning apps like Honey, cash-back apps like Ibotta and points apps like Drop to save this season.

Use the money-saving tips offered here to shop for the holidays without breaking your budget. 

How to Budget in Times of Inflation

Sticking to a budget during times of inflation is challenging – but not impossible. Here are five ways to help make it happen:

1.      Plan your grocery purchases

First, shop your pantry and fridge before hitting the store. You may not remember what you have at home, so a quick scan can help you stick to purchasing only what you need. 

Next, plan your week’s dinner menu before shopping so you can pick up what you need for the week in one go. The fewer trips to the grocery, the less you’ll spend on impulse buys. 

Finally, don’t forget to shop the sales!. Use apps like Checkout 51, Flipp and Grocery IQ to stay in the know of what’s on sale in each store.

2.      Consider an energy audit

With winter approaching and the cost of energy sources still climbing, this can be a good time to have an energy audit performed on your home. An audit will help identify energy drains, such as air leaks near your windows and doors, so you can fix them and make your home more energy efficient

3.      Choose your indulgence

Everyone needs to treat themselves to something special every now and then, but with costs rising on restaurant meals, movie tickets and clothing, something’s gotta give. Take a closer look at your just-for-me purchases, and try to narrow them down to just one or two treats. 

You can also find ways to trim the cost of your indulgences. For example, if you love dining out but restaurant meals are destroying your budget, you can eat out but skip desserts and wines, or split an entrée with your dining partner. 

4.      Switch your auto insurance plan

If you’ve had your auto insurance policy for a while and you’ve maintained a good driving record, you might save a bundle by switching to a new policy and/or provider. Reach out to your current insurer to discuss your options. Ask about raising your deductible in exchange for a lower premium, reducing overall coverage or negotiating for a safe driving discount. After obtaining a quote, call several other providers to get competing quotes. Go with your lowest offer, or call back your present provider and ask them to match it for your continued business.  

5.      Pad your income

If your paycheck is suddenly not enough to support your lifestyle, consider asking for a cost-of-living raise. You can also look for other ways to pad your income, such as driving for a ride-share company or consulting for hire on weekends. Every extra dollar earned counts!

Yes, you can get through times of inflation and keep your budget intact! Use the tips shared here to get started. 

How Can I Help My Elderly Parents Manage their Finances?

Q: My parents are aging, and I believe they can use help in managing their everyday expenses, and may eventually need a proxy. How can I best help my parents with their finances?

A: Your parents are fortunate to have a child who’s proactively willing to help with this challenging task. Here are some ways you can help your elderly parents manage their finances. 

Determine whether they need help

If you notice any of the following, it may be a sign that your parents need assistance with money management:

  • Unusual and unnecessary purchases
  • Piles of unopened mail. 
  • Physical setbacks. 
  • Cognitive impairment and/or memory failure.

Communicate openly

Before you take steps toward managing, or assisting with, your parents’ finances, have an open conversation with them about your current and future intentions. You can share that you are only there to help and that you will not take any actions without their permission, whether before or at the time of need.

Gather information

Next, sit down with your parents and ask these questions about their finances

  1. Have you named a durable power of attorney (POA) for finances?
  2. Where do you keep your financial records and assets?
  3. What is the name of your mortgage lender? 
  4. What are your monthly expenses?
  5. How do you pay your bills?
  6. How much is your annual income?
  7. What kind of health insurance do you have?
  8. Have you written a will or a trust?  

Establish a plan

Now you’re ready to establish a plan for managing, or assisting with, your parents’ finances. Be sure to honor their dignity as much as possible. Ask them if they’d like you to take responsibility for one or more of their monthly financial-related tasks. For example, you can pay their mortgage and car payments each month, or make decisions relating to their investments. 

At this time, consider simplifying their finances in any way you can. For example, if your parents have multiple credit card balances, you may want to consolidate this debt into an unsecured loan, and then only have to pay back the one loan payment each month. You can also automate as many bills as possible. 

Alternatively, you can talk about the future only, and have your parents agree to let you manage their money if one or both of them become incapacitated in any manner. 

If your parents find it difficult to relinquish this bit of independence, start assuming responsibilities for their finances gradually; just one bill at a time. 

Taking over the finances of elderly parents can be a delicate and daunting task, but it is often necessary. Use the tips outlined here to navigate this situation smoothly.

6 Ways to Pay Less at the Pump

With gas prices still rising nationwide, the pain at the pump is real. There isn’t much you can do about the price of gasoline, but there are ways you can pay less at the pump. Here are six ways to save on gas.

1.      Use cash

Many gas stations offer a discount for paying cash, sometimes up to 20 cents per gallon. This can quickly add up when pumping a full tank. Just be careful to have the cash handy when you need it, as you don’t want to lose all those savings to ATM fees if using machines not connected to your credit union.

2.      Use a rewards program or credit card

If you don’t like the idea of carrying around tons of cash, but you still want to save at the pump, consider getting a rewards program or credit card. Tread carefully though; not all of them actually benefit the consumer. Find out about a possible annual fee, a rewards cap, membership requirements and the exact redemption value of each reward point before signing up. As an Olean Area Federal Credit Union member, you can opt for the Extra Rewards program when you have the Visa Platinum Credit Card.

3.      Check your tire pressure

According to the US Department of Energy, a  well-inflated tire can save you 15 cents a gallon by boosting your gas mileage by 3%. Check your tires regularly to ensure they’re always inflated. To make this easier, consider springing for a tire pressure gauge that will automatically monitor the health of your tires. 

4.      Use a gas-tracking app

In 2022, there’s no need to search for the gas station with the best-priced gas. There’s an app for that! Popular gas-tracking apps include GasBuddyUpside and Waze. Using the gas station that’s right near your home or workplace might be easy, but taking the extra time to find one that sells gas for less can save you a bundle.

5.      Purchase a club membership

If you don’t already have one, this may be the time to buy a club membership. Costco, Sam’s Club and Walmart Plus all offer discounted gas exclusively to members. Of the three, Costco tends to feature gas for the lowest price, up to 34 cents less per gallon than a typical gas station. In today’s gas-crazy climate, that’s a huge difference. Of course, you’ll want to find out how much a club membership will run you before joining.

6.      Buy gas at the right time of day

If you pump gas during the midday hours, after the sun has been beating down on the gas reservoir all day, the gas has likely expanded. This means you’ll be paying the same price for less-dense gas, which won’t last as long. Pump when it’s cooler outside, typically during the morning or late evening hours, for the densest gas.

Use these tips to help save on gas despite the rising cost of fuel.

Financial Lessons You Can Learn from Fantasy Football

With summer winding down and autumn creeping in, are you ready for some fantasy football? Drafting the best team and guiding them toward the championship takes knowledge, dedication, skill and talent. But fantasy football is much more than just a super-absorbing hobby. You can actually learn a lot about money management and growing your wealth from the game. Here are five financial lessons you can learn from fantasy football.

1.      Do your research

Knowing which NFL players to “draft” to your team on your league’s draft day is crucial. If you sail into this uber-important day unprepared, you’re essentially setting yourself up for a miserable season. During the weeks leading up to draft day, the true fantasy football pro is listening to podcasts from training camps, researching potential trades and learning about past performances of many players. 

In personal finance, the rules are similar. When choosing a place or company to sink your money into, you’ll want to do as much research as possible and ask lots of questions to ensure success and alignment with your values

2.      Diversify

In fantasy football, it’s important to diversify your team and to draft players who excel at various positions in real life. This helps to ensure as many wins as possible. In finance, diversification is even more important. You’ll want to spread your investments over a mix of whole-market funds, securities and savings accounts. The more exposure your portfolio has among various asset classes and markets, the more protection it has against market volatility and inflation.

3.      Keep your investments private

To a true fantasy football addict, there’s no conversation topic as exciting as the team they’ve drafted and the wins they’re racking up. But to the uninitiated, there’s no conversation topic that will put them to sleep faster than your fantasy football league. Find like-minded fans to talk shop with, but otherwise, you’re best off keeping your observations and insight on the game to yourself.

Investments are similar. You don’t want to be the drag of the party, the office or the block. Talk about your stock performance with your partner, your financial advisor and maybe your mother. Otherwise, keep it to yourself.

4.      Assess your financial health throughout the year

A real fantasy football pro will monitor the performance of their players in real life. There will always be players getting injured, teams that change their strategies and players who have down seasons. You’ll need to keep an eye on what’s happening so you can make the best decisions about adding potential players on the waiver wire going forward. 

To achieve and maintain true financial wellness, you’ll also need to monitor your budget, savings, spending habits and more throughout the year. Review and assess your money management every few weeks for the best results. 

Fantasy football is so much more than an addictive hobby! Fantasy football can teach you financial lessons for life. 

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