Money Tips for College Students

Hello, college, hello, money worries! 

College life brings a sense of independence that extends to personal finances. Being in charge of your own money can seem like an impossible challenge, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If the thought of managing your money in college is stressing you out, dig into these tips for some help!

Create a budget

Living with a budget is a must for good financial wellness. First, track your income, including all earnings from part-time jobs, scholarships and student loans. Next, list your expenses, including tuition fees, textbooks, rent, groceries, transportation and entertainment. Set a realistic spending amount for each category, and your budget is good to go! Review and adjust as necessary. 

Minimize student loan debt

Student loans can be a big financial burden after graduation. To minimize your debt, explore options such as scholarships, grants and part-time jobs to cover educational expenses. You can also get ahead on your debt by saving for your student loan payments before you graduate.  

Live frugally 

You can have your fun while in college, and your budget, too! First, buy used when possible. This goes for textbooks, sports equipment and your college car. Next, consider pooling some of your expenses with roommates. For example, you can split the costs of food items, cleaning supplies and more. Finally, get used to eating in and save big. Remember, every dollar saved can go toward your future. 

Prioritize essential expenses

Life while in college is filled with temptations and social activities, so it’s crucial to prioritize your expenses. First, make sure your tuition, rent, utilities and groceries are covered and then you can spend money on fun! Having a good budget developed, and a regular review of it, will help you plan in some of that fun.

Build your credit

College is a great time to get your credit score ready for adult life. A strong credit score is essential for qualifying for large loans, getting favorable interest rates, securing a job and more. To build credit responsibly, consider getting a secured credit card or becoming an authorized user on a family member’s credit card. Use the card sparingly and make full payments on time each month. 

Take advantage of campus resources

College campuses often provide many resources to help students manage finances. Take advantage of financial literacy workshops, counseling services and career centers at your college. 

Use these tips to manage your money smartly in college. 

Don’t Get Caught in a College Degree Scam!

College degree scams can be tough to spot. Unfortunately, getting duped by one can mean losing out on lots of time and money. Here’s what to know about college scams.

What’s a college degree scam?

A college degree scam can look like a diploma mill, in which an alleged school promises a super-quick degree for almost zero work (the ultimate blowoff class, right?). Just pay a fee, fill out forms and the degree is yours. Too bad the degree is bogus, and no graduate school or reputable employer will honor it.

In another variation, an accreditation mill provides higher education accreditation than a diploma mill for a similar amount of minimal effort. Unfortunately, the accreditation is illegitimate, as the “school” is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) or the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Red flags

When researching college choices online, look for these red flags of college degree scams:

  • The school promises a degree in a ridiculously short timeframe.
  • There’s no physical address for the school.
  • Tuition is billed as a flat rate per degree.
  • The website doesn’t end in .edu.
  • The college isn’t on the list of schools approved by the USDE or the CHEA.

How can I verify if my degree program is legit?

Here’s how to check if your own college is legit:

  • Look up your school on the USDE and the CHEA lists of accredited schools. 
  • Look for a physical address associated with the school.
  • Check the school’s website to see if it ends in .edu or is very similar to another, well-known college.
  • Ask the registrar of a local community college if they’d accept transfer credits from the institution. 

If you’ve been targeted

If you believe you’ve gotten caught in a college scam, report the scam to the FTC. Leave the program and mark any emails from them as spam. If you’ve shared personal or financial information with the scammers, you may need to take extra steps to prevent further charges. Finally, let your friends know about it so they can be alert. 

Stay alert and stay safe!

How do I Raise my Kids to be Financially Independent Adults?

Q: How do I help my kids become financially independent grown-ups?

A: Teaching your kids how to be financially independent will help smooth the transition into adulthood. It will also give them what they need to stay financially stable throughout life.

Here are some tips for raising kids to be financially independent adults.

Start with basic budgeting

Introduce your children to the concept of earning money and spending mindfully when they’re young, and build upon that as they grow up. Preteens can watch you work on an actual budget, and teens can even assist you in creating a budget for a large expense, like a family vacation. You can also help kids create a budget for how they plan to spend their own money.

Split the costs of “must-have” items

If your children are like most kids, they’re asking you for trending items they claim they must have; from a pair of designer jeans to the latest fad toy they insist everyone else already has.

A great compromise is to have your child pay half the cost of expensive trending items. They’ll likely quickly see that a “must-have” really isn’t when you’re footing half the bill.

Teach them about credit cards

If your child sees you using a credit or debit card often, teach them what’s behind that card. Show them your credit card bill when it arrives and talk about how you need to pay for all those expenses during the month, plus the possible interest. Teach them about debit cards, too, explaining how money is withdrawn from your checking account each time you swipe the card. You can also give older kids a quick rundown on credit scores, how they work and why they’re so important.

Talk openly about what they can expect in terms of support for the future

When your child is mature enough to talk about the future, discuss how much financial support you plan to offer while they attend college, immediately after graduation and into their adult years. Ask about their plans as well, paying attention to when they anticipate being financially independent.

You can bring up the topic of career paths, too. Help your child determine a basic budget for the lifestyle they plan to lead and assist them in narrowing down their career choices until they have just a few that will support their future life. Talk about student loans, too, and explain how crippling debt can be.

If you haven’t already, consider opening a Youth Savings Account for your child at High Point Federal Credit Union. This way they can get hands on experience with a financial account and understand the importance of putting money away. If they get an allowance, or are gifted money at some point, you can encourage them to put a certain percentage in their account. Stop by one of our branch locations, contact us,  or call 800.854.6052 to discuss opening a Youth Savings Account.

Use the tips outlined above to help raise your child to be a financially independent adult.

Preparing Financially for a New Baby

Congratulations! You’ve expecting a new baby and you’re breathless with excitement — and nerves. A baby means big changes, and a part of those changes is lots of new expenses. How will you pay for it all?

We’ve got the tips you need to prepare financially for a new baby.

Pay down debt

Don’t let your debt grow along with the baby bump. It’s best to get your finances in order to make it easier to manage all new expenses and prepare for your child’s future. Make a plan today to kick that debt for good!

Adjust your monthly budget

Babies don’t come cheap. When your little one arrives, you’ll need to spring for gear and furniture, a new wardrobe, diapers and possibly child care as well. Most of these expenses will be ongoing, so it’s best to make room in your budget for these new items before your child is born.

Set up a baby account

All those expenses can be overwhelming, but if you break them down into bite-sized pieces, they’ll be easier to manage. Why not set up a separate savings account for all baby expenses? You can automate these savings by setting up a monthly transfer from your paycheck or checking account to your “baby account.”

Estimate prenatal care and delivery costs

It costs how much to have a baby?

Some folks can pay close to $10,000 in prenatal costs and delivery. Of course, these amounts do vary by location and insurance provider, but it’s a good idea to work out exactly how much it will cost you to have a baby so you aren’t in for an unpleasant surprise after the baby is born. Start saving now!

Start saving for college

Believe it or not, your little one will, one day, be all grown up and ready for college! This can mean paying a small fortune in tuition. The sooner you start saving for your child’s college education, the easier it will be to save. You’ll spread the costs, and also give those savings the best chance at growth.

Consider opening a 529 plan before your child is born where your college savings can grow tax-free.

Teach Kids to Set Savings Goals

Your child wants a new longboard ($200) or the latest basketball shoes ($120), but it’s just not in the budget this month — or for the next three months. Rather than a flat-out “no,” work with your child to set savings goals and then help them reach them. Here’s how:

Identify the goal

If your child has an item they’d like to purchase, the goal amount would be the purchase price. If the item is exceptionally pricey, offer to match their savings once they get halfway there. Setting a reasonable goal amount will help them see when the end is in sight and provide more motivation to reach the goal.

Make a plan

What will they do to reach the goal? Sit down with your child and discuss ways to earn the money. Do they have a part-time job? Babysit? Are there additional chores they can do around the house to earn more money? Get creative! Together, figure out how much money they can save each week or month and how long it will take to reach their goal.

Set money aside

Make sure your child has a savings account or another method for savings. Spending can often be quite tempting if the cash is easily accessible. If your child is serious about saving, make sure they have a place to put the money away.

High Point Federal Credit Union offers a Youth Savings Account that will help your child get the most out of their savings! Learn more by clicking here.

Follow through

Once your child has reached their savings goal, follow through and allow them to purchase what they saved for. And if you agreed to match their savings, make sure you’re ready to do so, too.

Giving your children the knowledge and help to reach a savings goal is a life lesson that they will carry with them throughout their adult lives. You might even be surprised. Once your child has reached their savings goal, they may decide that the item they originally wanted to purchase isn’t worth the work they put into it and use those savings even more wisely.

Saving Smarts

For the responsible adult who thinks about being prepared for the future, savings are a fixed expense that is built into the monthly budget just like car payments and insurance. For most people, though, this habit does not come naturally. It needs to be acquired and practiced. Teach your kids those saving smarts now when they’re young to help make it a lifetime habit they’ve already mastered by the time they hit their 20s.

The Goal

Give your kids a clear understanding of why saving is crucial to financial wellness and how to make it happen.

Pointers to cover:
  • Why putting money aside each month is crucial
  • How interest and compound interest work
  • Long-term vs. short-term saving
  • Reasons to save

Conversation starters

For kids under age 9:
  • Let’s say you’ve only got $15 and you want to buy a drone that costs $65. You get $5 a week as your allowance. How can you buy that drone?
  • When did you wait for something and find that it was more enjoyable because you waited for it?
  • Can you think of some things that Mom or Dad saves up for?
  • If you earn 10 cents for every dollar you save, how much money will you earn by putting away $5?
For kids over age 9:
  • Are you saving up for anything important?
  • Can you think of some things that Mom or Dad saves up for?
  • Have you ever had to pay for something unexpected? How did you come up with the money?
  • Some things we save for are short-term goals, and others are long-term goals. Can you name some of each kind of goal? How will we save differently for each kind?
  • Do you think it’s smart for Mom and Dad to keep money they’re saving under the mattress? Why or why not?

If you haven’t already, consider setting up a Youth Saving Account for your child, and help them put these saving smarts into action!

For more youth-geared financial activities, visit our Activities & Resources page.

Getting the Most Out of Youth Accounts

Managing money is a foundational life skill. There are so many factors involved and so many open-ended questions at play. How much should you be saving? When is it worth spending more? How do you keep spare change from burning a hole in your pocket? It takes years of discipline and training to perfect this skill, and ongoing self-control to maintain it.

That’s why it’s best to give your kids a head start on money management and saving. As a parent or guardian, remember that the lessons you plant today will take root and blossom, enriching your child’s life for years to come.

Here at Olean Area Federal Credit Union, we understand the enormity and difficulty of this task. In honor of National Credit Union Youth Month, we’re focusing on ways to help make this process as smooth and as simple as possible.

Olean Area FCU is proud to offer a specialized Youth Savings Account that is designed just for kids. You can learn more about it by clicking here.

Ready to open an account for your child? Does your child already have one? Read on for three steps to take for ensuring your child gets the most out of a new or existing account:

Set a goal

Now that your child’s money will be sitting in an account instead of a piggy bank, let her use this opportunity to save up for something big. Sit down with her and discuss what she’d like to save for. You can create a long-term goal, like saving up for college or for a first car. Also establish a short-term goal, like a new gaming console or a hoverboard.

Set a date for your goals, and then set up a savings calendar for illustrating how much money needs to be saved each month to reach the intended target by the designated date. Discuss ways to add to the savings, being sure to include money from birthday gifts, summer jobs, allowances and chores.

Bank together

Whether your child is a first-grader or a teenager, if this is their first time owning an account, they’ll need you to show them the ropes.

Always bring your children along with you when you stop by Olean Area Federal Credit Union to deposit their savings. Show them how it works and let them see the account balance growing. If your child asks you to withdraw money from their account, make sure they see how this translates into a dip into their savings.

For teens, you’ll need to walk them through that first deposit and withdrawal. When they’ve probably got the hang of it, it’s time to take a step back and let them be on their own. They’ll feel like a million dollars managing their account independently.

However, share with your teen that every swipe of their debit card also means a dent in their account balance. Also be sure to warn kids of all ages about security. They should know to never share their account information with anyone, and to keep their debit card in a safe place.

Monitor your child’s activity

Don’t aim to be a helicopter parent, but do keep an eye on your child’s account. If he’s depositing a lot less than planned, ask him where his money is going. If your teen is maximizing his daily ATM allowance, speak to him about money management and impulse purchases.

Your teen’s daily withdrawal limit may need occasional adjustment, so keep a careful watch on spending to see if any modifications are needed.

Remember: Every financial lesson you teach your child today equips them with money management skills for a lifetime.

Building A Financial Future Using the Building Blocks Approach

How do you choose what financial information to impart to kids? What’s really important? Perhaps surprisingly, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the most important money lessons actually have nothing to do with money. That’s the central theme of its new report, Building Blocks to Help Youth Achieve Financial Capability. This report, available online from the CFPB, breaks down financial literacy into three skills: executive function, financial habits and norms, and financial knowledge and decision-making. This conclusion comes from a fusion of educational research and social psychology, and it’s an important guide for parents.

The Building Blocks Approach

Financial knowledge and decision-making are the most often included elements in financial literacy. It’s the stuff you know. Financial habits and norms are the behaviors and conditions children come to expect. Some of this can be taught, but it’s mostly a matter of observation and socialization. Kids pick up these habits and norms from watching their parents and other adults.

Most importantly, the skill of executive function can be developed even at ages when most financial knowledge cannot. Executive function is the ability to control impulses, make and stick to plans, direct attention and other related tasks. New psychological research suggests that these are all skills where a form of training is needed; the more we practice paying attention to something, the better we’ll get at it. Best of all, this ability can be developed at any age.

Executive function, in addition to being the most teachable skill in the report, is also the most important. Kids with developed executive function skills will find it easier to learn new information and practice new skills while also positioning themselves for future success. Of all the factors summarized in the report, kids with strong executive function skills tended to have the highest levels of financial satisfaction.

Interested in improving executive function? Here are a few of the report’s recommendations.

1. Practice delayed gratification

Offer young children the choice between a small treat now and a larger one after a short period of time. Slowly increase the time increment between choice and reward. This helps to develop the skills involved in deferring instant gratification in favor of larger rewards later.

2. Planning at playtime

Before a play session, ask your child what toys he or she wants to play with in the next block of time. After your child is done playing, ask him or her to reflect on how well the plan worked. This helps develop long-term planning skills and creates intrinsic rewards for sticking to a plan.

3. Involve your children in plan-making and deciding

Wherever possible, encourage your children to participate in making plans for the household. They might get to pick one night’s dinner, or pick from a few family activities for a Saturday morning. The experience of making decisions, whether in a financial context or not, will help develop those executive function skills.

Take Your First Steps Before They Take Theirs: Financial Planning For The New Parent

The first few days after you bring your baby home is an exciting time that can also be a bit stressful. So can the first few weeks. Many parents also find the first few months stressful, while others are stressed over their parental commitments a while longer. It’s easy to get caught up in sleepless nights, and reading every book you can find, but sometimes parents forget an obvious priority: teaching and helping your child to save money as they grow up. Here are some ways you can begin financial planning as a new parent.

Set up a savings account for your child and make regular deposits

You don’t have to know what you want to do with your child’s savings yet. However, the first step in financial planning is as simple as opening a savings account for your child. Studies show that young adults who had savings accounts as children make better financial decisions, are more prepared for financial emergencies and plan better than their peers who didn’t grow up with savings accounts. So, for now, open a savings account, put a few dollars into it every paycheck and invite your child to participate by making deposits of their own when he or she is old enough. Olean Area Federal Credit Union offers a youth savings account that has no monthly service charges and allows you to earn dividends when you have $5 or more in your account, and we have educational resources so your child can learn to be smart with their money. You can find out more by clicking here.

Start saving for college now

Most parents know they need to save for their child’s college education, but few seem to realize how much college will cost. Education costs have been rising much faster than inflation, and if you’ve been out of school for a few years, you might be shocked by the costs. To make matters worse, and more expensive, many universities are receiving fewer public dollars, and getting a larger portion of their income from tuition, thus passing the cost on to students.

Focus on what you can control

If you’ve been a parent for more than a few minutes, you’ve had at least one moment of pure panic while thinking about the future. Perhaps, on one of the few nights your baby allows you to sleep, you decided to keep yourself up by listing every terrible thing that could happen to you, your partner or your child. There’s so much you can’t control, of course, so place your focus on the things you can control.

One mistake many new parents make while financial planning is to immediately start throwing money at college savings while ignoring their overall financial picture. Start by building a nest egg that can carry you through six to nine months of lean time, and then build your retirement fund. Money market accounts are a good way to build your short-term nest egg, because you can access your money if you need it, while getting a better return than traditional savings.

As for retirement, you may not have given it much thought since your initial conversation with HR. Now is the time to see what else you need. Remember, you can take a loan to pay for college, but you can’t get a loan to retire. Even if you want to put college money away now, you can still get tax incentives if you contribute to your retirement at the same time. Call (716) 372-6607, click here, or stop by Olean Area FCU if you want some help figuring out what’s right for you.

What School Doesn’t Teach You About Money

With the new school year either here or just around the corner, it’s time to fill your shopping carts with No. 2 pencils, protractors and all the goodies the kids will lose by the second day of school. If they’re headed off to college, it can be even more exciting. But, instead of needing you to replace their pens on day two, your college-aged child will probably be calling to ask for money by then.

It’s such a ritual that, at this point, many of us don’t really question it. But how much do our kids actually know about money? You might want to only include the lessons you taught them, because their school probably didn’t teach them much at all.

Common core and other national guidelines don’t include requirements for teaching budgeting skills, how to balance a checkbook, or even explanations of basic concepts such as credit, loans or mortgages. Basically, the last time your children learned about money at school, it probably involved finding out how many apples and oranges they could buy in some middle school math word problem.

We talked to some credit union members about the lessons they want to pass on to their kids, and below you’ll find some of our favorite lessons to teach your kids.

Pay yourself first

No one else is going to make you a financial priority, so don’t make them your financial priority.

If you want to know if you can afford something, check your budget. When you have to check your checking account, you can’t afford it.

If you reconcile your accounts every month, you’ll have a pretty good idea how much is actually in each account. Plan ahead. Make a budget. Execute the plan by sticking to that budget.

Take risks while you’re young

You can afford to be more aggressive with your retirement and college funds while you have plenty of time to make it back up, so don’t be afraid to push those funds a little bit. That said, not saving for retirement is not a risk. It’s just a bad idea.

Make sure the Joneses are keeping up with you

It’s easy to get lost trying to compete with your peers and almost as easy to ignore those consumer pressures entirely. But what about the third option? Instead of ignoring their financial situation, check in every now and then to see if they need help. Our communities are better when we care about each other.

Whether your kids are in diapers or their kids are wearing them, it’s never too early or too late to teach financial literacy. Make sure you’re instilling the right lessons, and check back in with Olean Area Federal Credit Union, because we’ve always got plenty of resources for young people to learn the lessons they aren’t getting in math class.

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