Children with piggy bank

Youth Savings Accounts

Let Wayne and Clark Saverson help you reach your savings goals! Our youth savings account has no monthly service charges and allows you to earn dividends when you have $5 or more in your account. Access your savings balance with Online and Mobile Banking.

New credit union youth savings members will receive their first $5 deposit at account opening from the credit union! We want to help our young savers get started!


Teaching good, life-long money skills is one of the most important, yet often the most difficult activities we can do with our children. We are currently offering a Save – Spend – Share Moonjar to each new savings opened (while supplies last) to encourage this philosophy.

The Moonjar not only gets the conversation started, but provides teaching tips and the hands-on tools that will help children set goals and build dreams by learning to save, spend and share together. You should begin talking with your 4 and 5-year-olds about basic money concepts. As most children are visual learners, using hands-on tools like money boxes can better help them learn concepts such as allocating funds and what interest means.


Whether you follow a “learn to earn” format where children earn allowances through performing small chores or a “family as community” format where a stipend is given, keep on a regular schedule and avoid giving advances. It’s good to work with your children to establish an ongoing system of saving. Help them to determine how much to save, setting short and long-term goals, then discuss where the balance should be spent and shared. You can use pictures to help them visualize their goals and then help them to prioritize what they are saving for, what they want to spend their money on, and with whom or with what they want to share their money.

Discussing the difference between wants and needs with your children, as well as working with them to set goals will help in overcoming the desire for “instant gratification.” It’s important not to be too critical of the choices children make. They have different values, and mistakes are a fine way to learn.

The important thing is that they save, invest, spend and share with goals in mind. Help your children understand that they are part of a larger world community through discussions about sharing their money and/or donating time to causes of their choosing. Most important, be a good role model. Make sure your children see you doing the things that you are teaching them. Let them in on your bill paying, savings and investment plans and charitable giving.

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